VA Experiences

VA Experiences

Below are comments about experiences other shipmates have had with the VA in claiming benefits.  If you would like to leave a comment scroll to the bottom and leave your comment.  (Note: before your comment will appear on the page it must be approved.  This approval process is to ensure that there is no inappropriate content.)

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4 thoughts on “VA Experiences”

  1. Free Hearing Aids and Hearing Aid Batteries and Blue Tooth TV Audio: I was Gunnery Officer in ’64-’65 (6th Fleet / Med Cruise) and EMO in ’65-66 and DASH CIC Controller “65-’66 (7th Fleet / Vietnam and Around-the-World Cruise) so lots of loud noises, both gunnery and jet engines. VA American Lake near Tacoma, Washington tested my hearing and provides me with new Hearing Aids every 5 years. I also receive free batteries and blue tooth TV audio system so I can hear television even when the volume is very low on the TV itself. The VA has been very helpful and my experience has been very positive.

  2. James Goodspeed says:

    I served on Basilone from FRAM in 1963 until 1965 as DCA and MPA. Was exposed to Agent Orange on 1965 World cruise.I am 100% disabled,service connected. I know how to counsel veterans to receive tje benefits which they have earned. I am also a certified Service Officer. Need help? Contact me at jwgoodspeed@gmail.
    com I can help you

    1. Gary Dance says:

      I also served aboard the BASILONE from 1965 to 1967. During that time, I also was exposed to the Agent Orange chemical.
      In or around 1984 I developed colon cancer. Fortunately, I was successfully treated for the disease at the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. Unfortunately, I continue to suffer from the after effects of two (2) major surgeries to save my life.
      I realize that colon cancer is not listed as one of the presumptive diseases related to Agent Orange exposure; however I believe my exposure to the chemical and subsequent development of the disease is directly related to my exposure.
      I am trying to gather any evidence of other shipmates who may have been inflicted with this dreadful disease.
      I traced my family tree back approx. two (2) generations and no one in my family has ever had colon cancer.
      I am currently scheduled for a C&P exam on October 2, 2023 for other medical conditions associated with exposure to the chemical in addition to my colon problem.
      I am seeking any and all information that you may be aware of relative to colon type diseases that any of our shipmates may have been victims of during our exposures to the chemical.
      I have requested an extension from the VA to gather sufficient creditable evidence to add colon cancer to the presumptive list of diseases.
      Thank you in advance for your assistance. I am aware of the uphill battle ahead!

  3. Michael Moscynski, LT.jg 71-74 says:

    I was diagnosed with a bone marrow cancer by the VA over 3 years ago. The VA suspected exposure to agent orange from the 1972 cruise. They assigned me a Cancer Care social worker who helped me with all paperwork. In particular I used the ship’s log with position locations which showed proximity to coastal Vietnam. The VA has given me excellent care.
    If you were honorably discharged even for a short service time you are eligible for some level of VA care; even more with Vietnam service. Take your DD214 down to your nearest VA and get signed up.
    If you are wondering if you might be ill, have your VA primary care physician perform a wide spectrum screening blood test for agent orange induced illnesses.

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