_____________ USS John Basilone DDG-122 Commissioning Weekend Events ____________
Selfless Warrior
Friday, November 8, 2024
On Friday November 8, 2024 two members of the commissioning committee sponsored a lunch on the USS John Basilone DDG-122. They brought in several 6-foot submarine sandwiches, potato salad, coleslaw, etc. and took over the mess decks to serve lunch. Crew members of the USS Basilone DD-824 (Bob Clancy, Paul Ely, Ed Kelly, Robert Terhune, Richard Henderson, Dale Carrick and Geoffrey Bender) assisted in serving lunch to the crew of the 122 and we also passed out our Association’s Challenge Coin to the crew.
After lunch was over, we took a brief tour of the ship starting with the Chief’s Mess. We spoke with several chiefs about the 824 and 122. We then went to the wardroom where there was a copy of the 824’s1975 Mediterranean Cruise book and spoke with a couple of officers and then we went to the bridge. QMC Warner was telling us about all the electronics on the bridge. How they can overlay on the radar a chart of the area in which the ship is sailing. Also, on the bridge are the controls for the 2, MK 38 25 mm machine gun systems.
Geoffrey Bender in CPO Mess
MK 38, 25 mm Machine Gun Controls on bridge
Dale Carrick at the Helm
QMC Harry Warner and Dale Carrick in the Chart House
On Friday night November 8, 2024 the chairman of the commissioning committee sponsored a reception at a local restaurant. At the reception were the sponsors of the 122, including Ryan Manion and Amy Looney Heffernan, Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro, Diane Hawkins grandniece of John Basilone, the President of Bath Iron works, the CO, CDR Carne Livingston and crew members of the 122 and other VIPs. Speeches were given and Diane Hawkins presented to the CO of the 122 a framed letter John Basilone wrote to his mother requesting she send his baptismal certificate to him so he could marry Lena Mae Riggi, who he described as a nice Italian girl who can cook. Geoffrey Bender attended this reception and presented 824’s challenge coins to the Secretary of the Navy and the ship’s sponsors.
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro and Geoffrey Bender
Saturday, November 9, 2024, Commissioning Day
The Commissioning Ceremony began at 10:00 am Saturday, November 9, 2024 in New York City at Pier 88. The crew of the 824 who were present were seated on the second level of the pier building overlooking the pier and the ceremony platform on the 122.
The ceremony MC was the XO of the 122, CDR Matthew Brooks. He asked the Basilone family members to stand, and the crew of the USS Basilone DD/DDE-824 to stand and be recognized. He introduced several VIPs, including the Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro. There were several speakers including Admiral Daryl Caudle, LT Gen Roberta L Shea USMC with SECNAV as the principal speaker.
The CO, CDR Carne Livingston asked SECNAV for permission to place the 122 into commission. SECNAV told the CO to place the ship into commission. The CO then ordered the XO to hoist the Colors and the Commissioning Pennant. The CO then read his orders and took command of the USS John Basilone DDG-122 and had the XO set the watch.
The ship’s sponsors, Amy Looney Heffernan and Ryan Manion, spoke and then asked the “Officers and Crew of the USS John Basilone man our ship and bring her to life.” The crew responded Aye Aye Ma’am and ran from the pier onto the 122 and manned the rails as the Navy Band was playing Anchors Aweigh. While this was going on 3 helicopters made a flyover of the 122.
Video of the crew manning the USS John Basilone DDG-122.
Crew members of the 824, left to right: Geoffrey Bender, Robert Clancy, Dale Carrick, Frank Stepka, Joseph Fisher, Richard Henderson, Paul Ely, "Al" George Smith, Thomas Berry, Edward Kelly, Robert Lester, Peter Schoen
Not shown, Douglas Curto, Robert Terhune, Edward Malec, Leonard Cerzosie, John Carney, Gary Blevins, James Cossey
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Thanks to Lt CDR Keisha Castillo’s last-minute efforts, we were able to hold our memorial service on the fantail of the USS John Basilone DDG-122. Crew members of the 122 participated in the memorial service. Crew members of the 824 in attendance were Joseph Fisher, Frank Stepka, Geoffrey Bender and their families.
Presentation of US Flag to USS John Basilone DDG-122
After the memorial service was completed. Frank Stepka presented a flag that was on the USS Basilone DD-824 to Lt CDR Keisha Castillo.
Presentation of US Flag to USS Basilone DDE/DD-824 Association
QM2 Benjamin Griffin raised a flag on the USS John Basilone DDG-122, lowered it and then presented it to Frank Stepka.
LtCdr Keisha Castillo and Frank Stepka with US Flags
Attendees: from left to right Geoffrey Bender, Diann Bender, GSCS Travis Burkhart, Linda Fisher, Joe Fisher, Frank Stepka, QM2 Benjamin Griffin, LtCdr Keisha Castillo, Lt Margret Willetts, and CWO2 Chan Pen
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