____________________________ Long Daze at Long Binh ____________________________
Long Daze at Long Binh - is a true to life work of comedy non-fiction detailing the unusual experiences of authors Stephen H. Donovan and Frederick Borchardt. It is self described as ‘The humorous adventures of two Wisconsin draftees trained as combat medics and sent off to set up a field hospital in South Vietnam’, which is basically exactly how the premise of the tale begins.
What reviewers are saying.
Mike Day, past Commander of VFW Post 10556 in Boca Raton, writes in his Post newsletter (August 2018) that the book is "a witty expose of behind-the-scenes military life in Vietnam... it's neither pro-war nor anti-war, so regardless of your personal views you should find it hard to put down."
Maria Beltran, reviewer for ReadersFavorite.com, calls Long Daze "a witty, entertaining and hilarious roller coaster ride" and "a unique take on the infamous Vietnam war." In addition, the Midwest Book Review (Feb. 2018 issue) calls Long Daze "a unique and valued contribution to the growing library of Viet Nam War histories and memoirs."
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